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What is "Emptiness" ? Make every "virus" empty...

Writer's picture: GAIL LYNN GAIL LYNN

January 22, 2025

Dear Reader,

There's a concept called "emptiness" that I wanted to give a little attention to. It came up in conversation among a community of meditators I was with recently, but it's relevant to all our lives. Some of you may fully get it, while others may sit and be a little puzzled at the completion of reading this, but either way, it's perfect. Curriculum for seniors is not meant for elemetary school students. However, there are always some elementary school students who sit in their bedrooms reading science books and philosohy books and wonder at the workings of the world long before they are put into the grade level that corresponds to their level of study. So, read on and contemplate the seeds being planted.

As I listened to a fellow meditator use the word “emptiness”, I contemplated for over a week the individual's useage of the term and it's meaning for the individual... which was different than my own. I didn’t quite understand what this individual was trying to say. Intellectually, I could not grasp the explanation given. I was contemplating this as I scrubbed toilets, polished faucets, and took the trash to the dumpster. And then, as I was walking in the blustery cold wind, a spiritual download occurred and I was reminded of Jim Carrey in a video clip I watched of him a few years ago. In the video clip (The Real You), he says, “I’ don't exist.”

Well, what does that even mean, "I don't exist"????? How can one say, "I don't exist"?? Again, I contemplated that even back then it made no sense to me, not at first anyways. Several weeks of contemplation later, it finally hit me. I thought back to when I was sick with Lyme disease and the doctors kept saying that there’s nothing there, no signs of anything, and even that I was making up all the pain I was feeling. (Many with Lyme disease go through that experience.) At the time I was furious that the doctors would say there's nothing there and that (we) were making it up. I mean, seriously, you can't tell someone in unbelievable pain that it's all in their head!

Well, after the “dark night of the soul” experience and the realization that Lyme disease was a result of my negative karma, (sin) and not from a “bacteria” or “virus” , I started to understand why the doctors could not find a cure for Lyme. Why they said, “it’s not real”. It was a spiritual cause made manifest in physical form.

And then a vision popped into my head of Dr. Bruce Lipton in another video saying, something along the lines of, beyond the molecules and atoms and electrons and particles… is empty space. There is nothing solid, no matter, only vibrations of energy. There’s nothing but energy. THEN at spiritual insight occurred that brought my attention to what Jesus said, "It's done unto you as you believe".

When I finally had my “aha” moment, I started seeing everything as energy vibrating. I was led to Dr.David Hawkins’ scale of consciousness and it became like a good friend I’d consult. Then I made greater realizations. The slower the vibration of any "matter", the lower the frequency, the more negative the emotional energy one felt… that is when sickness entered. And it's opposite, the higher the frequency, the more positive the emotion one had, there was NO sickness. Everything is energy!! There is nothing solid. Everything is a vibration. AND... if you believe something will harm you, IT WILL. But if you purify your thoughts, your karma/sin, and have faith in LOVE, in GOD, in TRUTH, in ENERGY.... then nothing will harm you!

I began studying meditation and learning from various cultures and organizations, and sometimes we imagined our body dissolving into nothing, into pure consciousness, into the cosmos. This is emptiness, when you become NO THING, you’re NOTHING.

Making connections between teachings is relevant. And having various teachers, for me, is significant! I have learned that if my thoughts and actions are pure, and love is all I AM, and everything is empty and doesn't exist, then nothing effects me!

Look at my coffee cup that is half full of coffee. I enjoyed that so much! The flavor, the smell, the yummy goodness! Breathe in that coffee aroma! Can you imagine the smell of coffee brewing? Mmmnnnnnn!! Imagine it!!! You can make real the aroma!!

Now look at the EMPTY coffee cup. It has NOTHING inside. No smell in there. Nothing to put into my mouth. No tasty yumminess. It’s EMPTINESS. It can do nothing FOR ME or TO ME.

Now… stay with me… and imagine a pill a doctor gives you. He doesn’t tell you what it is or what it is for. As a matter of fact, he tells you it’s a sugar pill, a placebo pill, that he gave to his last client who believed she had a headache and when he told her it was a pain reliever, she believed him, ingested it, and hence healed her headache. But in reality, the pill was “empty” of medicine. Her BELIEF, her MIND, healed her. (Hmmmnn, sounds a bit like a Jesus moment, from scripture, “It’s done unto you as you believe.”)

Now… let’s keep going… and say I give you a plastic Easter egg. And I tell you I’m conducting an experiment… with a new virus. (Let’s pretend I’m a certified scientist). So I have you hold this pink plastic Easter egg then tell you to open it and look at the virus I created. Will it harm you??? Or is it harmless???? Will you ask me?? Will you be afraid???

You shake it, but hear nothing. I tell you it’s a new novel virus. (Viruses are invisible to the naked eye, no weight, like “emptiness”) You look puzzled. THEN, I tell you that it causes stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea, and high fevers. I tell you to squeeze the egg, and when you do, it bursts open and I scream and claim loudly, “You fool! Now we both will be sick within 24 hours.”

You go home and shower, have dinner, and climb into bed worried, wondering if you'lll get sick. Then, you wake a few hours later with stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever. All the things. you pictured in your mind, fretting over.

I on the other hand, go home, meditate on emptiness, glad that the egg was empty and contained NOTHING, no virus, no germ, no anything, only emptiness and I awake the next day to go to work and then receive a phone call from you of how very sick you are. I apologize and tell you that I was running an experiment and that there was no virus or anything inside the egg. I tell you that it was your belief that made you sick, your fear, your mind. The egg was empty.

I then explain further, AND explain the correlation to the covid virus that took place starting in January of 2020. I tell you, unless you had negative karma/sin, or believed an empty container could hurt you….or asked to be sick, the "covid" would not have hurt you. It wouldn’t.

I continue to explain to you how my version of emptiness, that the "covid virus" was not real, (didn't exist) and that purifying karma through confession or the Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono kept me safe sitting beside my mother in a hospital who had the “covid virus”…a belief… from karma and fear.

Well, in regards to my mother's experience, after 3 days of sleeping at her side in the covid designated ICU room in Pittsburgh in December 2020, convincing her the virus wasn’t real, and helping her purify karma, she was strong enough to move to a regular room. She healed. She was transferred to the fifth floor where I continued sleeping at her side, continuing Ho’oponopono, continuing to tell her the whole virus thing was a made up story.

So dear reader, did “emptiness” help get my mom healed? Or was it the confession with Ho’oponopono we did each day purifying karma? Maybe it was both… but I am truly grateful to have had that time with my mother, helping her heal from people’s fear of an "empty" Easter egg… or their karma.

Jim Carrey, thank you for your light in our world, for helping people be free from conern, helping us laugh. I am just a character in this great big world helping others to be free from attachment, free from fear, free from sickness and war.

If you’d like to hear more of mom’s story, you can purchase the book on Amazon.

#VENTILATED Momma’s Story of Covid, Karma, and Reincarnation

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