November 13th, 2024
Dear Reader,
What was going on in YOUR life four years ago while the world was in the midst of fear, shut downs, mandates, social distancing, and chaos?
Personally, my momma and I had the experience of a lifetime. We both manifested being in the hospital. Momma was in dire straits and wanted nothing more than to be with her family. She NEEDED her family, but the nursing homes and hospitals wouldn't have it. Well... most hospitals anyways, because as you can see here, I was WITH my mom in this hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which lends itself to how I manifested being in the hospital.
You see, when the world's media started the fear mongering for a pandemic in March 2020, I was in France. I was on my way to Israel, Jerusalem, and the Sea of Galilee before starting the historic trek on the Camino de Santiago, the walk, or Way of Saint James. The pilgrimage was to be a spiritual journey, another healing journey to release fear, to release the past, and a means to process forgiveness. What resulted though, was a quick exit back to the United States before countries closed borders and I was stuck somewhere at the mercy of other's fears.
Back at my home in New York, I was forced to deal with people who believed in a scary pandemic occurring. Neighbors, friends, even some family members believed the media that some deadly virus was spreading around the world. But my own dark night of the soul and spiritual awakening that had occurred the years preceding this "event" led me to see things differently. I didn't believe in a virus, or rather, I didn't believe that someone elses thoughts and fears of a virus would touch ME annd NO ONE was going to convice me otherwise. So, what did I do then? I went about touting the virus wasn't real. I tried convincing people it was a "thought form" or rather a "belief" that is what was going to... or DID... cause people to get sick. But I left out valuable information in order to be quick about my explanation. There was too much science to have to explain so I simply said, "it's not real". And then went about telling everyone that I would go volunteer in hospitals and nursing homes since others were so fearful. I told friends and family repeatedly that I would go help in the hospitals.... and so adamantly... that I manifested it. And if you know anything about the Law of Attraction, you'd understand exactly how this worked!
The bottom line... mom manifested seeing ME and I manifested volunteering in a hospital! Pretty cool, huh? Well, not so much. It was the experience of a lifetime. I was literally fighting for her life, or that's how I felt anyways. Mom didn't quite get it. But after months of teaching her how to manifest a scooter, by visualizing and feeling grateful, by acting "as if" she had the scooter already and imagining all the places she could go with her new freedom, she learned how manifesting works. But what I didn't take into consideration in the beginning of the planned- pandemic simulation was another law of physics... the law of Karma... the Law of Cause and Effect. And to get a clear picture of what that is, just take a gander at "Newton's Cradle" on Youtube.
So, when most of the world was kept out of hospitals during the "scary" pandemic, forced to maintain distance with their loved ones, mom and I manifested each other. She did not infringe upon my free will, nor did I infringe upon her free will . Perhaps that was part of how WE were the lucky ones who got to spend time together in the hospital. Her "covid" ventilated ICU room was where I slept for the first three nights of her stay until she was moved to a regular floor. Volunteering, helping mom learn to breathe again after the ventilator did the work for her was quite the experience, one I'll never forget. Mom's story... our experiences together.... still brings up emotions that are hard to process. I'm still healing from those months helping mom. But I wouldn't change it... not one bit. And it's time for the world to know momma's story.
If her story touches your life in some positive way, please let me know. Let your family and friends know momma's story and one day soon, we will eradicate ALL sickness from our planet.
Thank you reader for being part of this journey, humanity's journey back to wholeness. I love you.
Rev. Gail Lynn