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Writer's pictureGAIL LYNN

It's DONE.

October 19, 2024

Dear Reader...

It's done.

After three and a half years of tears, agony, resentment, disappointment, guilt, anger, rage, depression, shock,... after months of traveling, meeting people, asking questions, researching, late nights, sleeping in my car, and writing.... it's done.

I've learned alot in the journey through the global pandemic that we all just expeienced over the course of three and a half years, I think we ALL have learned something. As we were thrown for a loop, caught off guard, each of us in our own little world having various sets of tools for dealing with such chaos, and having different levels of knowledge, you have to admit, the fear, confusion, anger, resentment, and loss of life changed us all.

Many of us lost loved ones. Some thought "covid" was the cause of all the deaths. Others thought "covid" was a flu and that it was something else that caused the loss of life during these times. Personally, I never believed in a "covid" virus and it is my belief that it was karma, fear, and/or free will that caused all those deaths, all the sickness, all the suffering.

It's impossible to explain in a short blog or even in a brief conversation why I think/believe/ KNOW what I know about the pandemic, about the real cause of mom's death, of the MANY deaths that occurred... so... if you're interested in seeing HOW it occurred, WHY it occurred, WHEN and WHERE it began... then please order the book and read my momma's story.

The old addage "history repeats itself" is something we all should remember. Most people understand the concept, "the lesson keeps coming back until we learn it", but how many actually apply it or integrate it into their daily life? On a grander scale, do you think it's possible that ....

Well, before I finish that question, let me ask you this: do you believe in karma (the law of cause and effect) ? If you're not sure, just open your Internet browser and type, "Newton's Cradle"... then look at the images. Visuals always do the trick. But if you want it further explained, go to videos and look at it demonstrated. Your words are like the ball that swings out, and back to you. Your thoughts are like the little ball that swings out... then returns back to you. That's science. That's what is meant in scripture where it says, "as. you sow, so shall you reap". That's the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have done unto you."

So... back to the original question... now that you understand karma a little better... do you think it's possible that "covid" was karma? Here's one thing I experienced that made me begin to wonder. Back in 2013, I got really really sick. And after 3 months of this mystery illness, symptoms effecting every part of my body, yet no direct answer/diagnosis... I finally was told it was Lyme disease. Well, after 3 and a half years of solving that probelem, I realized it was my karma... from words I spoke that went OUT.... and then returned to BITE ME. (Kind of like Avril Lavigne's song to the man who broke her heart.)

Okay... so... since I broke the ice... let's talk about Avril Lavigne's songs... and her diagnosis of Lyme disease... a dis-ease in the body... from being "bit" .... by a little messenger called a tick? The poor little ticks that keep getting blamed for Lyme disease are like mailmen bringing the karma mail to the individuals who speak out harshly. But... you don't have to take my word for it... like Glenda told Dorothy and the munchkins, you have to figure it out for yourself.

So back to "covid" and karma....

Watching Sunday football with my son that first year of lockdowns and people gone mad, it dawned on me after seeing how so many NFL players were getting "covid", I asked my son, "hey honey, I remember when you and your brother played football and you fellas always grumbled with each other on the line. What do you think these guys say to each other, the NFL players?"

My son's response after a few chuckles, "Well mom, they're probably talking about the guys mom, or saying their going to eat dirt, or telling them their going to die or someting stupid like that."

And then instantly I saw my own action/reaction from prior years in my mind, telling my ex fiance he had a disease, and suddenly I KNEW... they got "covid" because they wished it on their opponent! WORDS have POWER!! In the Bible, there are numerous passages about the power of the tongue. Very simply, it's Newtons' cradle!

Now throw in reincarnation... and gas chambers... and high altitude... and hypothermia.... a common thread between my mom''s medica records and World War II.... throw in karma... and covid... and reincarnation.... and what do you end up with ??? A reason WHY a husband didn't get sick, but his wife did. Why one family member got sick, but the others didn't. But ... don't take my word for it... read what else... in momma's story.... of being ventilated/gassed four times.... of her fear of showers... read about the simulations that took place... the pandemic exercises... and "scenarios" that those of us in the realm of spirituality know as the means to manifest.

So one last thing, one BIG lesson to remember as more "revelations" come out and you are pitted against another...whether in the next pandemic exercise they are practicing to manifest or in politics, keeping Newton's cradle in mind, what happens if you shout out, "Put those guys in jail" or "those people need to die" or "I hope you get covid" .... ?

May I suggest that you take a deep breath and walk away. May I suggest keep a tight lip. May I suggest you read momma's story, see what happened to her, why its been important for ME to do as Jesus taught, "pray for thy enemy and turn the other cheek."

As the political arena is heating up... I'm hoping people are not taking the bait... I hope people learned a lesson on the power of the word... I hope people have heard about the gene in their DNA, the VMAT2 gene, and the Hebew letters for the elements that the body is comprised of and why its so significant.

As I look across the parlor at a picture of Jesus, I think, are you reincarnated? Are you here in America? Are YOU the one causing all this hype? Is all the other stuff just "distractions"?

I'm ready for the 1000 years of peace.

Well reader, how can you explain all this "covid" stuff and karma to your family, to an elderly man or woman, or to a nurse who really bought into a pandemic? Why do some of us know and others don't ? - Is THAT karma?

I hope you buy momma's book and learn a few things. I hope you find strength in times of difficulty and peace in times of distractions. I pray God shows favor on YOU, just as he has shown to me.

Until next time reader,


I"m sorry.... forgive me. I love you. I am grateful.

Rev. Gail Lynn

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