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Imagine, Create, Initiate.... Manifest

Writer's picture: GAIL LYNN GAIL LYNN

Updated: Aug 11, 2024

June 16th, 2024

Dear Reader,

One of Einstein's most notable quotes is, "Imagination is more important than knowledge". I've come to love that quote. And although a chemist would look at these words of Einstein's much differently than I do from a spiritual perspective, that's okay. It's like learning math in school. When in kindergarten, children learn math much differently than a child in high school.

Life is a school where every soul is learning the spiritual lessons in our spirit body and learning how to live in a spiritual world. Each soul is also learning about the spiritual laws that govern our life. How we understand and perceive the world changes as we learn about this world we live in. How we live changes as we learn the spiritual laws.

Like alot of things in life, we interpret the meaning of something based upon our background and our current knowledge. Whether we look at song lyrics, quotes from phiolosophers, or scriptures in any of the world's religions, we make meaning according to what we need in life as well.

So, what DID Einstein mean by saying "imagination is more important than knowledge?" As a retired school teacher, I don't think this would have been acceptable to tell my students in fourth grade as we prepped them for state testing, but for you, my reader, it’s safe to say your imagination is shaping your success or failure at day to day life. It even shaped how you navigated the past four years during what global leaders called a “global pandemic”.

It was imagination that caused sickness in many people. Einstein was a smart man. If only people knew, if only our elderly knew, watching the news before falling asleep, having images of hospitals with sick people on ventilators embedded in the subconscious mind as you fall asleep is programming the mind to visualize these images through the night, creating cells in the body to begin to emulate, to replicate, that which the body saw. The emotions of worry and fear, the thought of “what if I get that” actually created THAT which they visualized and feared.

Just as many Olympic coaches teach their athletes the art of visualization, imagining the win, such is the concept behind the Law of Attraction. The physics teacher could give argument to the workings of the law of attraction and repulsion in a classroom, but I’ve found only a few who could understand the law in a spiritual setting, yet Einstein said it beautifully.

Knowledge of a virus was meaningless. It was the act of imagining what it could do to you that made it do it’s thing.. For me, I knew enough about energy, frequency, and vibration to dissolve any thought form to eradicate any concept of sickness before it entered my subconscious mind. I knew enough about the Law of Attraction that I wasn’t going to “catch” a sickness. And just as important, I knew about the Law of Cause and Effect (law of karma) to transmute any such idea as well.

So to rid any “seasonal sickness”, such as the common flu come this fall, why not begin imagining a better outcome for yourself? Why not imagine yourself healthy all winter long as far as that goes? Unless of course you want a day off work and you need to create an imaginary sickness to call in sick ~ but even then~ do you think you could imagine a diagnosis~ AND yet be asymptomatic? You may need to practice that one a bit before you nail it, but that’s what the players of Event201 did before the worldwide pandemic. They practiced smaller epidemic simulations first. Practice makes perfect.

Imagination is more powerful than knowledge. But before undertaking harming others in such imagination simulations, you may want to study the Law of Cause and Effect. You may want to learn about Newton’s Third Law of Motion and how karma works, less ye create devastation in your own life, for as you give, so shall you receive.

Have you figured it out yet that Jesus was teaching principles of physics? Have you started to grasp the connection yet between science and spirituality? For example, what scripture relates to Einstein’s teachings or Sir Isaac Newton’s?

Just imagine how life is going to get so much better for us ALL as people understand… do good, and good will return to you. It’s a law of physics. You can’t always get what you want… but you get what you give!

I have a dream…that one day our nation, our world, will live in peace.

Until next time, …”imagine all the people, living life in peace… you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…”

With love,

Gail Lynn

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